Thursday, September 6, 2007

Off the charts Alice -- get real!!!!!!!

Alice Linsley has proven one more time that she is out of touch with reality.

Sample her latest comment on TitusONEnine in reponse to Kendall Harmon's statement condemning Nigerian Bishiop Isaac Orama for saying that gays are "unfit to live'. While even those on T19 who are the most vocal in their anti-gay positions spoke out against Orama, good ol" Alice made it all about her:

65. Alice Linsley wrote:

.......I am more likely to be shot in the USA for speaking against homosexual acts than an African is to be killed for being homosexual.

This is an utterly moronic statement. Gays and lesbians in parts of Africa are at risk for gathering together in public. Last I looked, we had freedom of speech in the US, freedom to spew all the homophobia you want. Nobody gets shot at. Not even you, Alice!

1 comment:


But wait ... there's more! Now she's saying "I do believe that Bishop Orama’s view is more biblical than TEC’s version of Christianity."

Honest to Pete.

You can't make this stuff up.