Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck............

Craig Says 'I Am Not Gay'

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Under fire from leaders of his own party, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig on Tuesday said the only thing he had done wrong was to plead guilty after a complaint of lewd conduct in a men's room. He declared, "I am not gay. I never have been gay."

He's not gay! Hummmmmmmm??

Why did he tap his foot? ( a well-known practice by those soliciting sex in bathrooms.)

Why did he reach his hand into the the undercover cop's stall? Looking for toilet paper perhaps? I don't think so!!!!

Why did he plead guilty then? Oh yes, he was in a hurry??

And the allegations of soliciting gay sex dating back to the 80's?????

Plus the audio tape from a man Craig alledgedly propositioned in Union Station?????

How dumb is this guy??? (Dumber than dirt!)


Ooopps, I forgot. He's a REPUBLICAN. Seems as though none of them know how to tell the truth!!!!!

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