Friday, August 31, 2007

Over at Titusonenine: "To the moon, Alice."

Alice Linsley is a frequent commenter on T:19. Formerly ordained in the Episcopal Church, she has since renounced her orders. Reason? The Bible tells her so and because the "reasserters," as they dub themselves, don't like women priests any more than they like gay priests or bishops. This is her commentary on the consecration of two American priests to the Church of Kenya -- that bastion of bigotry where they want to preach to gays who aren't worthy to be lay readers in their churches. So much for loving thy neighbor (oh they love them!) and respecting the dignty of every human being!

7. Alice Linsley wrote: We serve an awesome God who raises the dead and restores flesh to dry bones! I am hopeful about the future of Anglicanism. TEC’s capitulation to American secularism is doomed.

Hmmmmmmmmmm......."restores flesh to dry bones" she talking about the supersized Bishop Atwood?

This is her hope for the future of the Anglican Communion? Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda founding missions in the US, violating provential boundaries, to promote more anti-gay venom, all in the name of their narrow-minded, judgemental God of exclusion. Makes one proud to be a Christian. (Not!)
The Episcopal Church (TEC) isn't doomed by this narrow-minded brand of Christianity. The reasserters are!!!!!!!!!

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