Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Welcome to My Blog!

I like to think of myself as one with an ecclectic approach to the blogosphere.

Raised to believe that an open mind is a terrible thing to waste, I have tried to keep mine open by reading the broad variety of opinions out there (and some of them are really "out there!") in blogland.

And so I've spent a goodly amount of time haunting political and news blogs like The Huffington Post or The Drudge Report and lurking on church blogs like Titusoenine, An Inch At A Time or Fr. Jake Stops the World -- offering the occasional comment along the way.

My occasional comments have occasionally been met with the response, "So why don't you get your OWN blog?"

And so I finally did. This is it.


1 comment:

mousestalker said...

Hi Fred.

This is your blob and you may do as you please. However, excessive use of capitol letters tends to be a tad off-putting.

I really don't want to reign in your enthusiasm. Please do continue posting (just in lower case)!